Friday, February 22, 2008

This, my friends, is pathetic . . . .

This is my desk . . .

. . . yes, I hear you!! How do I get any type of work done, you ask?! Well, apparently I don't!!! Look at that!! That would be 6 paint orders you see in the dead middle, I'm working on a stationery, business card & sticker re-order for a customer {those who don't know - I was in the stationery business several years back and I only still do re-orders for all the doctors that did business with me before!!}, I've got a wall paper sample I'm matching up for a painting, a few bills that need to be entered into my online bill pay, there is also a small tax pile adding up on the right side, Lonnie's paper work for his "lil' snippy-snip", 100 tablets of Rolaids - OHHH and you got to love the box of Krispy Kremes {thanks Rachel!!} Check out the finger prints on the monitor {those belong to Hudson} and I've obviously got a massive stack of paper growing under the table that needs to be shredded!! {See, that is where I throw it until I HAVE to do something with it - Yeah, I can be lazy!! What's it to ya??}

The bad part - that is one side. Let me spin my stool around and let you check out the other side . . .

. . . I'm suppose to actually paint on this one!! HA!!! I think I might have to go back to the kitchen table!!! The main problem is that I'm in the process of organizing this mess, which in return, made a bigger mess!! Do you know what I mean?? If I could afford it, I think I would throw it all a way, hire someone to come in and organize all the "new" stuff that I buy!!

But apparently I can't afford it . . . because yesterday I received a collection notice from "Parenting" magazine!!! I had not paid my subscription renewal of 12 bucks and they turned me over to a collection agency!! Now, the retarded thing is there has yet to be a break in my subscription!! These big dummies are still sending me this magazine, but I've yet to pay for it!! How absurd! Am I the only one that sees the stupidity in this??? I really don't remember receiving a bill - but it might be on the above desk - who knows!! This is new to me, so I quickly got on the phone and paid my HUGE 12 dollars to some automated something that in return charged me an additional 2 dollars for using the automated something and not sending a check!! Here I was, hoping I was getting them by making them pay the 4% {or whatever} they have to pay when using a debit/credit card and they get me instead -WANKERS!! I swear I'm not trying to whine, I just wanted to share my "keeping it real" moment that I had around here!!

I really do have several paintings that I have to complete - so on to painting!! This mess can hold out for another couple of days!!


Anonymous said...

haha I love how those Krispy Kreme's migrated upstairs so quickly. At least you accomplish something on said desk. You should see mine and nothing happens there just stacks and stacks of papers oh and magazines {including Parents--that is too funny!}

Anonymous said...

Hi Kim!
Seems like we have a lot in common...Messy desk syndrom. I just can't get it together! Thanks for stopping by and have a great weekend~xo

Jessi Nagy said...

i love the doughnuts, and a few inches awa rolaids relief!!!
have a great weekend.

Courtney said...

Hm. Your desk looks pretty smokin' compared to my 'creative space'. =) I'm not sure I'm brave enough to post pictures, though. Perhaps I'll snap one, and then when (if) I ever get it looking good, THEN I'll post the before so everyone can see how bad it was. =) Maybe mine would look better with a box o' Krispy Kreme sitting on it...

Kelly said...

Don't you wish you could be like Sabrina from Bewitched and just wiggle your nose and make everything be the way it is supposed to be sometimes?! I know I do. Just remember that all of this stuff piling up will probably be all gone in a few days and you'll be on to a different pile of stuff to do. Ha! Don't sweat it. Easier said than done, huh?!


Melissa Santanastasio said...

aside from the fact that the mess on the desk gave me a rash becuase i am ocd i can forgive you :)))) i swear those magazines do not send bills they just send everyone to collections. i am currently in collections for HISPANIC weekly i mean first of all I am not hispanic and second of all the collectors that call me call me in spanish so I can get nothing resolved becuase they do not understand me. and i never ordered the magazines to begin with. i can go on!!!!!!!!! thanks for keeping it real we all have the Mommy Masking down but it is good to see you are a tru person!!!

Anonymous said...

Hey Kim!!
Those are some great looking tables you have there!! And compared to the way they looked when I had them ...that is not a messy desk!!

I sure wish I had those Doughnuts right now!!!