Saturday, July 26, 2008

A major budget buster . . .

I will preface this post with . . . . I've been a budget momma this month!! I mean in a major way! I haven't charged one thing on my credit card - refusing to buy anything unless it's on sale {no matter how bad I wanted it!} - and just being frugal in general. Okay, except for that tassel I bought from the Nester! But that was needed - I'd say that was more like a life or death situation, because I think I would have died if I didn't get one! Well, like a silly fool, I went to one of the local stores here in the 'boro that is going out of business - for all you locals, it's Yours Truly - They have yet to advertise they are closing shop and only have a sign that reads "summer sale". But they are closing August 31st!! I thought it would be a great place to start this year's Christmas shopping! I mean they are having a sale - and I'm only buying sale items - Right?! So since I have all these kids - I told a friend so that maybe she could go scope it out for me. She did - and then she proceeded to tell me that there was this "perfect" hutch that I really needed. Of course, I'm thinking she is probably right - we've known each other since 5th grade, this girl knows me well.

I called in the reinforcements - my {crazy} mother-in-law - to come watch the kids. Now, I must add the main part of this story would be that Lonnie is gone {what's new} to some military conference - he's been gone for a few days {and came home today!} But if I thought it was the "perfect" hutch I would just call and ask him what he thought about getting it. Now, re-read that last sentence - I would call and ask him what he thought - NOT what I should do!

Anyhoodle, got there - my eye instantly went to the "perfect" hutch - the perfect hutch that had a imperfect price on it! I walked that store for 30 minutes debating if I wanted to pay that price or not, if I could get them to come down on the price or if maybe, there might be something comparable to the "perfect" hutch with a lower price. I looked at every piece of furniture they had. Every piece had a "sold" sticker on it - everyone but the "perfect" hutch.

Was that my omen, my sign, my burning bush?? Really - was it? The fact that every single gorgeous piece except the one that would look absolutely magnificent on my kitchen wall was sold. Well ladies, I thought it was. I thought about the conversation that I was about to have with my husband - I thought about long, hard and good. I knew what I was about to do was very crucial to get him to agree with how much "we" needed this hutch.

The conversation went something like this, "Oh my - Lonnie I have found the perfect piece of furniture for that blank wall in the kitchen. It is like the heaven's opened and God shown his perfect light on this piece. I heard him whisper in my ear that this piece was made for me all those many years ago. I am to take it home, care for it and love it - and someday pass it on to future generations. When you see this piece you are going to know it is for us and only for us. We will never be happy with anything other than this hutch. Now, wouldn't you agree that you have always loved all the furniture that I've ever brought home? Haven't you? I'll give you few minutes to think about if we should go ahead and get it today or maybe wait a few days so that you can see it in person. Now, before you answer - Know that all the furniture and displays in the store have sold - this is literally the ONLY piece that is currently available - so more and likely it's gonna go shortly. I'll call you back once you've had a few minutes to think about it. I pray that you make the right decision . . . . and don't forget I bore you 4 children within a 35 month period. Love you." And I hung up. He had said nothing up to this point but "Hello" when he answered the phone.

I waited approximately 7 and half minutes - which during that time I negotiated the price, wasn't the steal of century, but didn't break the bank either - I called Lonnie back and he busted out laughing.

Guess what momma got . . .

. . . the "perfect" hutch!

The crazy thing - check out that paint color?? Is it Deep Pongee - that is the color on my wall! Really, if you were to see it in person - there is no difference in color! CraZy!?

Okay - now I know I said it was the "perfect" hutch - but let me clarify . . . .

It is perfect because 1.) it fits beautifully on that wall! 2.) Great bones and structurally sound. 3.) Gives me the exact space I needed for all my kids paints, play-doh, crayons, coloring books, scissors, lace-up cards, flash cards, etc . . . {basically everything "fun" we do at the kitchen table!}

It obviously needs some type of jazzy paint color and I will probably change the hardware {a little rustic for my taste.} But hey, other than that it is perfect!! I'm in the process of changing the window treatments in that room - so I'm not going to change the color until those are complete {meaning it might be a while before you see an after picture!}

For Some Humor . . .

You know how you get those forwards in your inbox from people who think that the pictures of children doing "bad things" are cute?? Surely you all have gotten some of those - they are always titled something like, "you thought you had it bad" or "the reason for birth control" or something like that. Well, I got one for you . . .
What can your kid do the 3 and a half minutes you are upstairs putting away a load of towels?

OH and the kicker - Lonnie was downstairs "watching" him?! There was dogfood on the other side of the garage!! I guess next time he will "watch" him better!

I need alot of prayer!


Stephanie said...

Great Hutch! I love it! That's exactly what I need in my kitchen as I have a bare wall as well. Jealous!!

Kim Hancock said...

Ok...that is the perfect hutch! And your little guy with the dog food out on dad's watch is too funny. One day when Courtney was about two I was trying to straighten up for friends to come over...Curtis was supposed to be watching her...I heard a strange sound coming from her room and went to check it out. She was sitting on the chest at the foot of her bed with what was a 1/2 gallon tub of seed beads throwing little hand fulls out into the carpet. She said she was pretending to feed the birds!

Natalie said...

OHHH PERFECT ~ I always love your furniture finds!! Love the picture of Hud ~ funny funny.

I'm finishing up my guest bedroom for whenever you are coming down to visit!

Chris Kauffman said...

That was a great story , you are so funny.
My hutch that holds my tv that was a china hutch until I got my hands on it , is painted pongee too.
Can't wait to see what color you choose , maybe I will paint mine after some inspiration, that would make color #4 for that piece.
There is nothing better than getting a nice new piece of furniture.

Mary said...

That really is the perfect hutch. And I'll sign something if you need an expert witness...

Anonymous said...

That hutch is beautiful!! I can't wait to see it in person.

Dana D said...

love it- love it- love it!!!

Anonymous said...

I need to take decorating and negotiating tips from you. I love the hutch and can't wait to see what is up your creative sleeves for its future.

Deb said...

I have lurked for long enough. Love your blog, and love, love, love, love that hutch. Oh my goodness it is PERFECT>

My Beautiful Mess! said...

Lovin the hutch & really lovin the caught in that act picture too!

Cheri said...

I love your blog. You make me laugh every time I read it.

Great find on the hutch...perfect!

Cute picture of the son; those are one of those "Remember when" moments.

Brandi! said...

Girl, you absolutely CRACK ME UP! The phone call to the husband... hilarious! (there's that word again, but hey - life is funny) Okay, here's what I do. This would probably not work with furniture, but serves me well with clothing especially.

1) Find the perfect shirt/jeans/shoes.

2) Rip off all tags and shove tags/packaging all the way to the bottom of the trash.

3) Wait approximately 1 week from date of shopping trip.

4) Break out the goods.

5) When hubby says "Hey, that's a cute shirt - is that new?" Put your "kinda sad and a little hurt" look on (you know you have one) and claim that you have had this shirt for 6 months and worn it on several occasions and then jokingly remark (and this is important, we don't want him to feel toooooo bad) that he just doesn't notice you like he used to. This technique usually comes with the added bonus of additional complements for at least a week.

Hope you enjoyed this tutorial. It has served me well.

Allison said...

Wow--that hutch is to die for and I am soooo jealous! OMG the dog food pic is a stitch!

Megan L Hutchings said...

Your post absolutely CRACK ME UP! I am so glad that you got the perfect hutch you were hoping for ;)!

Jen - Balancing Beauty and Bedlam said...

We are all so glad that God opened up the skies and provided you with the perfect hutch. You know if you didn't get it would you would regret it every day for a long time...years maybe. I still think about a yard sale find that I didn't snatch up 5 years ago...sigh...but I truly am not hung up about it at at all.:) Love the dog food. That happened to me with grain - ugh!

Rachel Spence said...

Very cool! Can't wait to see it "Wheelerized" =) Yeah I feel your pain on the dog know my crazies...I mean what do you say?! Dad's {on the couch} oh I mean on watch...yeah right!

Kristen said...

I can see why you had to have that hutch - it really is a great piece of furniture! Can't wait to see what color you paint it!!

The Nester said...

Oh it is beautiful! I have a pine piece that resembles that and would love to paint it!! it looks great! your tassel is on its way!