Can I just say that I spoke WAY too soon in a previous post when I said I was feeling wonderful, that I wasn't even waddling!! Foolish words!! I've literally been stuck in the bed for the past 2 days. Two DAYS!!! This equates to NOTHING DONE AROUND HERE! What the freakin' heck!? Seriously, I think my body is shutting down. Since about Saturday afternoon, I've had the worst pain under my humongous stomach - somewhat on the right pelvic/hip area. I have to lay down for about 4 hours just to get about 25 or so minutes on my feet before the pain comes back. And yes, I called the doctor!! You wanna know what they said - they said, "it probably has something to do with the fact that you have had so many kids in such a short period of time . . . ."

Yes, that is my BED!!! But after the post of my extremely messy work table, I had to move it somewhere else anyways. Taupe is the choice background color for the week. As you can tell, 5 orders with the same color. As soon as I'm done blogging, I will be crawling back in bed and working on completing these orders. I have every intention of completing them and having them in the mail by the first of the week!! For those who have ordered 12x24's, I'm expecting my shipment of canvases tomorrow. I was bone dry of that size. I sooo didn't realize it or I would have ordered long before I did. I'm pretty sure I explained that to everyone at the time of your order, but just in case I didn't - I'm sooo sorry!!
Anyhoodle - thanks for stopping by. Maybe I'll have something more interesting next time!!
Oh and by the way - I had the sample canvas completed - was about to post it so that we could start the contest to come up with a name for the collection . . . . my 2 year old Picasso found another ink pen and added his touches to it {2nd time this week} - it's totally trashed!! Back to square one!! I thought kids were suppose to draw on walls?? {I'm sure I'm going to eat those words!} Thanks Hudson, Momma loves you!!
Your making me 2nd guess #4---you just might end up the winner on the kid front....we'll see. You gotta quit having issues so I won't be so gunshy. HAHAHA
so good to hear that you are taking this with stride. i watch baby story every day mostly because ava likes to watch babies and i twinkle for a second at the prospect of doing it again and then you keep me grounded itn he trenches of life. thanks for bringing me back to reality. please take care of yourself and get rest the last thing you would want is to go into labor early!!
Girl I don't see how you do it all!! I only have one child and I can't seem to get nothing done. I hope you get to feeling better soon.
I am sorry to hear you aren't feeling well, maybe it's because you have had so many babies so close together girl ,but seriously, I am sure that is annoying to hear as the reasoning for everything, it could be bowel irritation , a friend of mine went through a very painful pregnancy because of such pain.
I hope you are feeling better soon.
Don't put too much pressure on yourself.
It was good to see you.. I wish you were feeling better. Please rest!!!
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